The next class will be on Thursday, May 28th. Shabbat Shalom!  

Taam Shabbat - Mommy & Me
Join neighborhood Mom's & Nannies with their little ones for a fun & educational filled hour every Thursday. Discover & celebrate Shabbat, Jewish Holidays, seasons & more through ART, BOOKS, CIRCLE TIME, SONG, BAKING & FRIENDSHIP!

Thursdays at 3:30 - 4:30pm
Ages: Newborn - 3 years old
at Chabad LIC, 10-11 49th Avenue

2014/15 Dates
September: 18 | October: 23, 30
November: 6, 13, 20 | December: 4, 18
January: 8, 15, 22, 29 | February: 5, 12, 19, 26 
March: 12, 19 | April: 30
May: 14, 28 | June: 4, 11

Paying options: Full year - $350 | Full year for Chai Club Members - $315 (click here for more info. on the Chai Club) | Online $10 per class — Walk ins are $12 per class

Taam Shabbat Reservation Form
Child Name & Age
Child 2 Name & Age Child 3 Name & Age
(All children under the age of two years must be accompanied by an adult.)
Payment Info