
Kiddush Sponsorship Opportunities

  • To sponsor a Kiddush in honor or in memory of a loved one, please choose from the following options:

    All options include wine, paper goods, cutlery, and grape juice.

    1. $180 : Cholent and crackers

    2. $360: Cholent, Challah and dips

    3. To customize a more lavish Kiddush, please email [email protected]

    All inquiries need to be confirmed by Tuesday before the Shabbat Kiddush.

    If you shop for the Kiddush on your own, please make sure all foods have a proper Kosher certificate. All food should be Pareve/ non dairy.

  • Kiddush Options:

  • Information:

  • Pick a Date
  • Billing & Payment Information:

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Checks should be made payable JCC Chabad West Queens and mailed to 10-29 48th Avenue, Long Island City

    Please use the following email to donate with Zelle: [email protected].
    In Memo or Note, write the purpose of your donation.
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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