List of Books in Hadassah’s Bookshelf

  1. Your Awesome Self by Shterna Ginsburg: The 12 Steps of Energized Living, Activate the goodness you want in your life 

  2. It’s Okay to Laugh, Seriously! By Gitty Stolik: A Spiritual Perspective 

  3. New Joy by Gitty Stolik: Response to a Changing World

  4. The Secret to Jewish Femininity by Tehilla Abramov: Insights into the Practice of Taharat Hamishpachah (Family Purity)

  5. Better Behavior Now! By Sara Chana Radcliffe: Bringing out the best in your child or teen

  6. Resilience by Leslie M. Gutman, PHD: A Jewish Guide to Facing Adversity, Fostering Strength, and Living Your Best Life

  7. Finding the Woman of Valor by Rivka Zakutinsky: Commentaries and Insights for Today’s Jewish Woman 

  8. My Name is Isaiah by Debbie Strom: A Novel 

  9. A Distant Mirror by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: Exploring the Lives of Women in Tanach 

  10.  Q & A with Rifka Schonfeld: The Answers you need for a happier and more productive life: Children, Teens and Adults

  11. One Baby Step at a Time by Chana (Jenny Weisberg): 7 Secrets of Jewish Motherhood