9:00 – 9:15 |
Arrival, Greetings, Informal conversation |
9:15-10:00 |
Discovery time: Free choice among a variety of activities in the learning centers, all set up according to the weekly theme: literacy, reading, writing/listening, manipulatives, dramatic , cooking, science, sand/water, music, etc. |
10:00-10:20 |
Clean up, wash hands and snack. |
10:20-10:35 |
Circle time with music, stories and games to introduce the theme of the week and its concepts. |
10:35-11:05 |
Project Time: Opportunities for children to choose between 2 projects to further explore the theme and sharpen specific skills. |
11:05-11:25 |
Active Play (indoors or outdoors). Use of equipment and games. |
11:25-11:35 |
Quiet time and rest. Lying down and stretching out. Listening to soft music, looking through books. |
11:35-11:45 |
Story Time: using puppets, and/or props |
11:45-12:00 |
Discussion of the day’s activities and planning for the next day. Preparation for dismissal and greeting parents. |